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The ASD IRC FAQ (say that three times fast..)

Here is a handy list of all the websites mentioned in the FAQ:

IRC help:

IRC help of all kinds: http://www.irchelp.org/
-- this is a wonderfully comprehensive site that can answer more of your IRC questions than this FAQ can. You will find links to software for Windows, MacOS, and UNIX machines, server lists for several networks, and more help files than you can shake a stick at.
Very Highly Recommended

Undernet general info: http://www.undernet.org/
The best command list on the web, imho:


Software for Windows or MacOS: http://www.tucows.com/
mIRC software (Windows): http://www.mirc.co.uk/
MacIRC software (MacOS): http://www.macirc.com
Ircle software (MacOS): http://www.ircle.com
Miscellaneous net software for Macs: http://www.macorchard.com/

What is #freeasd?

#freeasd is an IRC channel set up on the Undernet as a place where depressed people can go to chat online. It is a place for support, for hanging out, messing around, and telling bad jokes.

What is #kleenexasd?

#kleenexasd is -- you guessed it -- an IRC channel set up on the Undernet as a place where depressed people can go... In this case, however, it was started specifically as an ask/give support channel, for those who find the often manic pace of #freeasd to be too much. The originator of #kleenexasd hopes that it functions as something of a back room at a large party: a place to take refuge, talk quietly, or just sit and stare out the window.

OK. So what is IRC? And what is the Undernet?

IRC is short for Internet Relay Chat. There are several IRC networks one can log onto in order to chat in real time with others; the Undernet is currently the one we are using for #freeasd and #kleenexasd. One of the most important things to know about #freeasd is that it is on the Undernet. Not EFnet, DALnet, or any of the other nets. Undernet.

How do I get to an IRC network?

If you have a Mac or PC, there is special software you can download which will enable you to access IRC with a minimum of arcane computer expertise. See the sections devoted specifically to IRC on Windows and IRC on MacOS. If you access the net from a UNIX shell account,

Help! The party on #freeasd is making my head spin and I am still a cyberwallflower. How do I get any attention here?

There are a couple of things you can do. Type HELP or some such in all caps and someone will surely come to your aid. #freeasd is full of people who don't wish to exclude anyone. Or you can /msg someone that you know or that seems nice; this will put you in private conversation with them (For help with commands, see the PC and Mac sections, or go to DALnet's command help website: ). Lastly, but not leastly, you can join #kleenexasd, which was started as an alternative, quiet channel for those specifically in need of support. If you are the only one there, tell the folks in #freeasd that you've opened the channel and could use some company.

What on earth do all these esoteric commands do? What is /msg? /dcc? How do I get those comments to appear when I leave the channel?

The list of IRC commands is long and confusing if you are new. Rather than go into all the miscellany of IRC here, I point you to these very helpful websites:

Undernet general info: http://www.undernet.org/
IRC help of all kinds: http://www.irchelp.org/
The best command list on the web, imho:

Also, most folks on #freeasd and #kleenexasd are happy to help you figure out what you are doing. Just ask. And as they say, when all else fails, read the directions. Try the readme files or help files that came with your software or go to the program's website to see if there isn't a downloadable manual.

Why is there no one else in #freeasd when I log on?

First, be sure you are logging on to an Undernet server; the address should end in undernet.org. There is almost always *someone* on this channel. Before assuming that you are the only one there, try logging on to a different server (you can find the Undernet server list on the Undernet website: ). You might have happened upon what is known as a netsplit, and the server you are on might not be 'talking' to any of the other servers on the network. If you try a few different servers and you are consistently alone, then you may well be the only one logged on. Wait a few minutes and someone will in all likelihood happen by.

Why do people leave in droves without saying goodbye? Don't they like me? Why won't this person talk to me? Don1t they like me?

If you are hanging out in #freeasd or #kleenexasd, you are probably already prone to blame everything on yourself. DON'T. Especially on the Undernet. Computer networks are temperamental and prone to all sorts of bizarre behavior. Before taking any of the above personally, remember that communication over IRC is subject to such things as netsplits (servers 'splitting' from each other, essentially cleaving the network -- and thus the channel -- in two, or three, or four..) and lag (overly long transmission times). When things don1t seem to be working just right, try another server. And lots of patience. And then another server. And a little more patience.

Ain't the 'net fun?

I have another question. Can I ask you?

Ask away. I might not know the answer, though.. If anyone has questions and/or answers they would like to see included on this FAQ, please email Erik at , and he will see what he can do.


Erik Martin Schneider
rhetorician of sorts